How to Store Coconut Milk

Here are the complete guides on how to store coconut milk, here you will get guides on how to store leftover coconut milk and canned coconut milk. Nowadays people are quite inclined to have coconut milk rather than normal cow milk. If you think deeply then you will find a lot of reasons for it. The first and most important reason is coconut milk has less fat than cow milk.

So, whenever someone gets conscious about their health and want to lose some weight, they go for coconut milk instead of cow milk. Milk is a very important material in our everyday life to get proper nutrition. That is why people are trying to find a substitute for cow milk to reduce fat consumption in their daily life. Besides this, coconut milk is also a vegan product. Nowadays people are quite interested to be vegan to protest against cruelty toward animals.

That is why coconut milk has become one of the favorite vegan options for so many people out there. These are the basic reasons for choosing coconut milk over cow milk. But there are problems as well. Coconut milk does not remain consistent after freezing like cow milk. So, it is very difficult to store the leftover milk in this case. If you have leftover coconut milk and want to store them then you can choose a few options which we are going to discuss below.

How To Store Leftover Coconut Milk?

Coconut milk is a very important element in Thai recipes. So, whenever you will try to make a Thai recipe at home you will need coconut milk. But the only problem is if you have leftover milk after the recipe then it is the most difficult job to store them. Most of the companies who manufacture coconut milk suggest that we should not store it for further use.

But we have to store it if we don’t require a large amount of it. Because most of the time you will get large size cans in the market of the milk. So, you have to store it if you want to use it later on. There are some specific factors you have to consider for storing leftover coconut milk.

Store for a very few days and use it as soon as possible

If you have to store coconut milk for further use then you must do that for a very few days and don’t extend it more than 3 days. It is always a good idea to use it as soon as possible if you don’t want it to get spoilt. In this case, you can plan a few recipes where you can use coconut milk. If you cannot find any recipes then you can simply mix them in your coffee and have a nice cold coffee at home.

Freeze it for a longer use

Freeze the coconut milk if you want to store it for a long time. You can use some simple ice trays and make coconut milk cubes by freezing them. Other than that, you can put the coconut milk inside a container and store it in the refrigerator. You have to leave it overnight so that the whole milk gets solidified. When you will use it again you have to defrost it.

Decide the further usage of the milk

If you want to use your coconut milk soon then you have to plan for it. After storing the milk in the refrigerator, you should think about how you can use it in one or two days. In this case, if you cannot find any solution then you can use it as cow milk to mix in your coffee or tea, oats, or just drink it in your breakfast. But you have to make it fast.

Store it in a Ziplock pouch in the refrigerator

If you don’t want to freeze the coconut milk then you can use a zip-lock pouch to make it airtight. If the coconut milk gets connected with the outside air, then there is a high chance that it can get spoilt. So, you have to find a solution to make the coconut milk storage airtight. And currently using a zip lock pouch is the best option available in the market.

Monitor the time carefully

If you have to secure your coconut milk in the refrigerator then you have to check the milk from time to time. You should monitor how many days you are going to store the coconut milk in the refrigerator. Because coconut milk loses its texture and taste gradually. So, you have to use it fast even if you store it in the refrigerator.

How To Store Canned Coconut Milk After Opening?

How to Store Coconut Milk

Most of the time we will get to see the large cans of coconut milk available in the market. These cans have a lot of milk which is not required in any recipes. So, if you buy them you have to think about the storage of the leftover milk later on. Canned milk has a lot of preservatives. That is why you have to store it carefully to avoid any type of bacteria forming inside the liquid.

Check the expiry date

Before you purchase your coconut milk you should check the expiry date. You will find the manufacturing date and expiry date on the can itself. It will tell you about the time limit till when you can store the coconut milk without any tension. So, it is very important to check the expiry date before deciding on storing the leftover milk.

Keep it airtight

Coconut milk can get spoilt very easily if it reacts with the outside air. So, if you have to store leftover coconut milk then you have to make sure that you store it in an airtight container. Then only you will be able to save the milk from getting spoilt by the bacteria. If you cannot find any covered container then you can purchase silicon lids of different sizes to store your leftover milk in the refrigerator.

Monitor the quality of the milk in between

You should not store the coconut milk and just forget about it. You have to check it from time to time to see if the quality of the milk has changed. Most of the time if you keep coconut milk unattended for a long time, the texture and taste get changed. If you don’t want that to happen then you have to check the milk from time to time. In this way, you can monitor the quality regularly.

Think about the defrosting process

If you store the coconut milk by freezing it then you also have to think about how you will defrost it later on. Sometimes it is very tough to defrost coconut milk because of its heterogeneous consistency. So, you have to decide on the defrosting process to avoid any type of mishap.

Set the temperature as needed

Whenever you will store the leftover coconut milk you have to set the correct temperature. Coconut milk has a different freezing temperature than cow milk. So, you have to know the details about the temperature before you try to store it in the refrigerator. Because we all know that temperature differences can play havoc on milk if we don’t know about it.


Can you store opened canned coconut milk in the fridge?

Most of the coconut milk manufacturing companies suggest that you should not store opened canned coconut milk. But if you have to store it then you have to make sure that you store it in an airtight container. Then there is a very low chance that it will get spoilt. But you have to remember that you should use it as soon as possible.

How long can you store coconut milk in the fridge?

You should not store coconut milk in the fridge for more than 10 days at all. You should use it even before that. Coconut milk is a little bit different from cow milk and it loses its taste and texture very soon. So, you should use it before it gets spoilt.

Can coconut milk be stored at room temperature?

No. You should never store coconut milk at room temperature for a long time. Coconut milk has a lower freezing temperature than cow milk. You have to keep it in the refrigerator if you don’t want it to get spoilt. Room temperature is never an option for coconut milk.

Can I store coconut milk that has been opened in a glass jar in the fridge?

Yes. You can store coconut milk in a glass jar in the fridge. But you have to make sure that you put an airtight cover on the glass jar to stop it to get spoilt. You can also purchase silicon lids of different sizes to make them completely airtight.


Coconut milk is completely different from any other type of milk. It loses its texture and tastes real soon. So, you have to think twice before storing it for a long time. Sometimes we don’t require as much milk as we buy. In that case, we have to store it to use the milk some other time. But you have to make sure that you plan the usage as soon as possible.

Also, Check,

Can You Freeze Coconut Milk?